Size: M Scallop, Salt

Size: M Scallop, Salt
Features : The dried scallop is considered as one of Sea Eight Treasures. Delicate and sweet in flavour as well as high in protein. Mild in nature,  it is suitable for the majority to consume. It is a good choice for bringing up the flavour in several dishes. The quality of Dried Scallop is divided into various levels. Larger in size, richer in nutrient level. 

Quality Assurance

All the fruit growers cooperate with us are responsible and strictly follow the standard methods of cultivation.

Latest Price

Please login as our member to check for the latest price. Some seasonal products may be out of stock / changed price from time to time.

Important matters!

To ensure fresh and high-quality fruits, please WhatsApp us at 8222-8888 before placing an order to inquire about the availability or make payment so that we can properly arrange delivery to your home.

  • Product Code: DR112
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$880


The picture is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.

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