i-Shine Muscat (300-800g)
The i-Shine Muscat (said i-Shine) is a relatively new species, they came out in 2006 after years of cultivation and selection. This beautiful and sweet grape variety is a cross between “Akitsu-21” and “Hakunan”, the i-Shine is famous for its sweetness, having large berries, seedless and for having long shelf-life. The large yellow-green berries are crispy, juicy and they have a musky flavor to it. These candies can be eaten with skin on, every bite is crunchy and the juice simply bursts into your mouth.
Similar to how the muskmelons are planted, the i-Shine are also grown with the “one branch one bunch” method. By using this method, the remaining bunch will absorb the maximum amount of nutrients hence producing such a high quality fruit. Each bunch of grapes will be wrapped with paper to prevent damage from insects. Farmers of Shine Muscat will also rip off the skin of the grape vine in order to keep the tree fresh therefore better grapes. Farmers will randomly check the grapes for their sweetness level, they do not cut the grapes until the sweetness level reaches 18 or above. If the sweetness level does not reach 18, then they will let the grape ripe more.
i-Shine are grown in greenhouse as well as naturally. Greenhouse i-Shine are available from early May to July and the regular ones are available from mid-July. Inside the i-Shine greenhouse, they can increase the temperature of the room so the grapes will ripen faster, this can speed up the ripening process by about a month. When entering a grape greenroom, you have to duck your head and avoid touching and disturbing the grapes. i-Shine are now grown in various prefectures including Okayama, Yamanshi, Nagano, Kagawa and Yamagata; where Okayama produces the best i-Shine. However due to long harvesting time, the i-Shine are rather exclusive and have a very limited availability.
How to Select:
A good bunch of i-Shine should be more round and instead of an upside-down triangle. Like any other grapes, good quality grapes should be free of wrinkles and bruises. It should be firm but not rock hard, and the color is green like jade.
Nutritional Value:
i-Shine is a great source of Vitamin C, K B6 and it also provides you with magnesium, iron and potassium. Since it is rich in iron, so it is suitable for women, children and people with anemia. Polyphenols in Shine Muscat can help prevent cardiovascular and heart diseases.
Storage Method:
Although i-Shine have a long shelf-life, but we would still recommend you to enjoy these treats as soon as possible. Once received, please keep the grapes refrigerated and wash before you consume.