Marry Gift box (Traditional)
- 菠蘿*/有核提子(金笸籮)
- 台灣紅心芭樂(百子千孫)
- 台灣楊桃(喜氣洋洋)
- 火龍果(開花結果)
- 水蜜桃(甜甜蜜蜜)
- 富士蘋果(平安富貴)
- 泰國金柚*(金銀滿屋)
- 香蕉/藍梅
(水果種類只供參考) 於結婚過大禮生果籃免費附送心意卡/賀卡一張; 售後服務: 送貨後傳送貨品照片給客人 設有過大禮生果籃免費送貨服務
結婚買過大禮生果相關習俗: - 生果要求有籽選擇雙囍臨門諧音的生果,例如柚子(有兒子的意思)
- 一些意頭上不好的生果,例如橙(諧音慘的意思)、梨(諧音分離的意思)不會作過大禮生果之用
Quality Assurance
All the fruit growers cooperate with us are responsible and strictly follow the standard methods of cultivation.
Latest Price
Please login as our member to check for the latest price. Some seasonal products may be out of stock / changed price from time to time.
Important matters!
To ensure fresh and high-quality fruits, please WhatsApp us at 8222-8888 before placing an order to inquire about the availability or make payment so that we can properly arrange delivery to your home.
- Product Code: MFB108
- Availability: In Stock
- HK$1,314
Marry Fruit Gift basket (Luxury)
6-8款新鮮水果: 菠蘿有核提子(金笸籮) 台灣紅心芭樂(百子千孫) 台灣楊桃(喜氣洋洋) 火龍果(開花結果) 水蜜桃(甜甜蜜蜜) ..
Traditional Double Gift baskets
6-8款新鮮水果: 此款是兩個籃起 菠蘿*/有核提子(金笸籮) 台灣芭樂(百子千孫) 台灣楊桃(喜氣洋洋) 火龍果(開花結果) 水蜜桃(..