i-Rainier (Golden Cherry)
Description : Wonderfully delicious, cherry fruit is packed with full of health-benefiting nutrients and unique antioxidants. Cherries are native to Eastern Europe and Asia Minor regions. Botanically, the fruit is a “drupe” (stone fruit), belonging to the broad Rosaceae family of small tree fruits in the genus, Prunus. Some of the common “drupe” family fruits are plums, peaches, apricots etc. Although several species of cherries exist, two popular cultivars are wild or sweet-cherry, and sour or tart-cherry. While sweet cherries belong to the species of Prunus avium, tart variety belongs to that of Prunus cerasus.
白櫻桃(Rainier),果色粉紅中帶點鵝黃斑點,有著「西北櫻桃之后」之稱,其特殊之 處在於果肉甜美且擁有獨特的香氣,甜度也是所有櫻桃中最高的。由 於白櫻桃產期短,且因其脆弱易碰傷,包裝運送不易,產量也只有紅櫻桃的5%不到,故其價格往往是紅櫻桃的一倍以上。嬌貴的白櫻桃從採收後就得以冷藏空運、 海運,而國內也有進口海運,其品質會因運送過程長而下滑,價格也隨著品質下滑而下降,櫻桃在抵台之後,進口商也會以冷藏來保持櫻桃的新鮮,所以,早晨是採 買新鮮櫻桃的好時機,若是在沒有冷藏設備的水果攤購買,櫻桃是直接被陳列在常溫中,其品質會隨時間變差,櫻桃並不耐儲存,買回家後記得盡快吃完,吃不完也 要放進冰箱內冷藏,貯藏時也要分層鬆散排開、避免壓傷。總之,趁早買、趁鮮吃,才能保持櫻桃的美味哦!挑選櫻桃的要領:外觀堅實、有光澤和鮮豔亮麗的櫻 桃,都是好吃的。