

Description : Wonderfully delicious, cherry fruit is packed with full of health-benefiting nutrients and unique antioxidants. Cherries are native to Eastern Europe and Asia Minor regions. Botanically, the fruit is a “drupe” (stone fruit), belonging to the broad Rosaceae family of small tree fruits in the genus, Prunus. Some of the common “drupe” family fruits are plums, peaches, apricots etc. Although several species of cherries exist, two popular cultivars are wild or sweet-cherry, and sour or tart-cherry. While sweet cherries belong to the species of Prunus avium, tart variety belongs to that of Prunus cerasus.

最初由波斯傳入羅馬,再由羅馬進口至歐洲,此後歐洲也陸續發展多種品種櫻桃,分別為可鮮食的甜櫻桃與烹調為主的酸櫻桃;後於1875年傳入美國奧勒岡州(最早開始大量種植櫻桃的地區);1952年華盛頓大學科學家 Harold Warman Fogle 利用 Bing 與 Van 混種培育出新品種 Rainier (即白櫻桃),其名稱取自附近一座叫 Rainier 的山。作為經濟果園的區域,歐洲 從伊比利亞半島東到小亞細亞,而 在波羅的海國家和斯堪的納維亞半島南部也有小範圍種植;美國則以加州與華盛頓產量最大,主要栽培品種以 Bing、Brooks、Tulare、King、和 Rainier 為主。

☆夏天:由北半球美國加州櫻桃、西北櫻桃(包括華盛頓、奧利崗、愛達荷、猶他,其中以華盛頓最為著名)為主。☆國內進口櫻桃的最大貨源以美國、加拿大及紐西蘭、智利、澳洲為主。櫻桃 落葉灌木或喬木,高3-8m。樹皮灰白色,有明顯的皮孔;幼枝無毛或被疏柔毛。葉互生;葉柄長0.7-1.5cm,被疏柔毛,先端有1或2個大腺體;托葉披針形,有羽裂腺齒,早落;葉片卵形或長圓狀卵形,長5-12cm,寬3-5cm,先端漸尖或尾狀漸尖,基部圓形,邊有尖銳重鋸齒,齒端有小腺體,上面暗綠色,近無毛,下面淡綠色,沿脈或脈間有稀疏柔毛;花兩性,花序傘房狀或近傘形;有花3-6朵,先葉開放;花梗長8-19mm,被疏柔毛;萼筒鐘狀,外被疏柔毛;萼片5,三角卵圓形或卵狀長圓形;先端急尖或鈍;花瓣5,白色,卵圓形,先端下凹或二裂;雄蕊30-35,栽培者可達50枚;花柱與雄蕊近等長,無毛雌蕊1,子房下位。核果近球形,紅色,直徑9-13mm,種子1顆,包圍于黃白色木質內果皮中。花期3-4月。果期5-6月。


Quality Assurance

All the fruit growers cooperate with us are responsible and strictly follow the standard methods of cultivation.

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Important matters!

To ensure fresh and high-quality fruits, please WhatsApp us at 8222-8888 before placing an order to inquire about the availability or make payment so that we can properly arrange delivery to your home.

  • Product Code: ACC01
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$680
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