I-Kumamoto Homerun Melon

I-Kumamoto Homerun Melon

The Homerun Melon from Kumamoto is a member of the “white-flesh” family. It is relatively small in size, while its rind is white and smooth, with no net pattern. The melon is known for its light sweet scent, crunchy texture and refreshing taste. Chill before serving for best results.

Quality Assurance

All the fruit growers cooperate with us are responsible and strictly follow the standard methods of cultivation.

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Important matters!

To ensure fresh and high-quality fruits, please WhatsApp us at 8222-8888 before placing an order to inquire about the availability or make payment so that we can properly arrange delivery to your home.

  • Product Code: JM501
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$1,580
Description 描述: 惠 果實圓形或橢圓形,果皮濃紅色,一側稍偏斜,陰面底色黃綠,紅色條紋粗且明顯,果肉黃白色,肉質粗、較鬆果汁多,微酸,貯藏力強。  ..
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